This website was an experiment and was a requirement of a Design class I took from, a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).  I passed, and am grateful for the experience, because now I know how to go through the steps of designing something and think I could bring things to fruition now.  I am very grateful to the instructor, Karl T. Ulrich of the University of Pennsylvania for providing an informative and fun class!  In fact, the class held a design contest for T-shirts with multiple entries, and the final design was terrific.  I did not participate in that, but enjoyed the results of others.

Coursera is an online way to take FREE, yes, FREE classes from many universities across the world.  Most of the ones that I have taken have been really great and I am planning to do a MOOC blog to report my thoughts.  This is such a new form of social interaction between people across the world, students, instructors, staff, colleges/academia, and even a nonprofit, that someone has to do an ongoing history of this new adventure.  I have taken on the challenge, as I take a lot of courses, and believe I could do a pretty good job of reporting on my experiences, the good, bad, and vane.

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